here in italy fathers' day is in april, in brazil it's in august, but every occasion is good to praise the men of my life...
Fathers are talked about so little, in our family my mother used to be our anchor, the glue that pulled us all together... when she passed away we had a really hard time first accepting and then having to imagine a life without her... my father got it worst of all, we all loved her, but she was his life... from then the man who's taught us a whole lot of stuff started learning some new ones by himself... he learned how loving and caring he can be, he learned to depend a little more on the people who love him and most important of all, he's learned that it's necessary to tell people how you feel about then every single time you have the opportunity...
most people have a way of believing their parents to be flawless, well, I don't... my father is stubborn, proud, way too honest for his own sake, and can be too harsh sometimes... he's self-relying; everything you can do for him he can do it by himself, and better... ;) Funny how growing up I used to point out with my little fingers each and every one of his flaws and now as a grown up I found myself being thankful for him having taught me this things by example... I dare say I got a lot from him... and wouldn't change a thing of the way he is...

the other man in my life sure is mr. right (married to mrs. ALWAYS right... ha!), who's getting the hang of this parenting thing the same way as I am working my way around it... For him being a father is loving deeply our sweet little pea, and teaching her the important things in life: like how to operate electronic games on your phone...

next year if I remember I'll post an update on how he's doing with the father stuff... to this moment he's managed to teach our kid how to pretend coughing, spit and throw things, and she's not even 5 months yet... what can I say, my dear husband is an overachiever...
linking the second photo to the P52 project... as much as I love the first photo it: A. wasn't taken by me, and B. is NOT from this past week...
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