Tuesday, October 23, 2012


today I'm taking the time to send our sweet little pea on  line for her dear faraway relatives (including her borrowed uncles and aunts- trusting you to show the dricos, sil)...

It's fun to watch her grow every day, but sometimes I forget to share her accomplishments with some of the most important people for me, my family, the one that can never be left behind no matter how far we travel...

We've made some videos so far, all of them with a funny-voiced-shaky-hand-camera mamma behind... this is the last one of the series (well, if we don't count the one made by papa of the sweet lady and her loyal companion: the cat!, but that's another post)...

there she blows:

PS.: the video goal was to show her standing up on her own without support, but our baby has a mind of her own and hardly ever does what we expect her to do...

1 comment:

  1. Ai meu deus q gostosa q ela tá Van!!!! XD

    Manda mais vídeo pra gente? *__*

    bjs!!! Saudades imensas!! :)
