Friday, October 17, 2014

.:run to the hills:.

ok, now, how dumb is the idea of run and hills in the same sentence?!? I know... worse even: how dumb is for a person with asthma deciding to take the route suggested by a vertically challenged person after listening to you rolling with laughter at a toddler's unplanned joke about her height?!?

yeah, thought so too... sooo... week 2 was a complete failure (well not COMPLETE, but as in was abandoned halfway, more specifically when all the way looked like thisVVVV)

on the minus side, I turned off the track for week 2 10 minutes in... on the plus side, I didn't turn back and put on week 1 track again after the 5 minutes warm up... yeah, and this is for the sake of honesty...

also, for the sake of honesty, I spent half training plotting on how to get back to my MiL for suggesting this road, and the other half considering it would be a wise think to carry my inhaler on the jacket pocket... yeah... and just because I'm that pig-headed I completed the half hour all the way up, starting to come back down only when it was cool down time...

now, as I know most of you don't care a bit about the running updates and are here only to keep up with the pea's growth I'll drop a photo from this week's events...

uhum, autumn has settled down... and hubby is going fishing on saturday, so you know what they say, sub him into happiness so all the fish gets cleaned ON the boat... ;) guess sunday it will be white wine then...

happy beginning of the weekend for you!

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