hectic! that is what the last month or so has been... when you embrace being part of your toddler's school life your free time takes a turn... a huge turn... a "let's-try-and-keep-it-all-together-making-it-work-the-best-way-I-can" less free time... 

ok, let's say I let the bird feeding/playing/free time up to the hubby... because it implied in more cleaning time for me... the vaccuning went to a minimun, as I decided running was more important than getting rid of cat hair... the time at home has been employed in playing with the kiddo, and cooking/eating...
My in-car time has grown exponentially as I got a position where I need to be in Padova frequently for meetings... meaning I'll be learning to drive in the highway, pretty soon... yeah, scared to death... why? because I tend to make pretty bad decisions when under pressure... frogs and geckoes accidents would attest to it...
anyway, the craziest part of it all? I'm missing her growing!!!
this morning she went to her growth wall and told me: "mamma, disegna con la penna il quanto sono cresciuta nel quadro della zia margot?"
yep! she realised she's grown quite a bit since the last time, because now she can see herself in the mirror without the help of her stool... WHEN did that happen? she is totally independent when choosing her games and putting them away... her bedroom is more organised than any other part in the house...
and I'm freaking out on how fast time is flying by... I wish I could buy time to cope with everything... I wish...
Zia Margot se derretendo com a sobrinha crescendo... ai ai <3