Saturday, May 05, 2012

.:P52 - Week 18:.

Week 18 - Fiesta or Siesta

So, we've made it past a quarter of an year and I didn't even mention that... I'd say: better late than never... on our way to half year.. YAY!!!

This past week there was a celebration in my husband's family: little emma's first communion... When in rome do as the romans, so in italy the catholic religious rites (if I may call them that) are celebrated with a big lunch party...
Sweet little pea dressed up for the occasion, but wasn't quite sure whether to enjoy it or have a long nap...

both shots from sunday with dh's blackberry (I know preparing a baby and its stuff makes you forget the good camera sometimes, but hey, I can live with that...)

Thanks to darcy for the little push towards registering nice moments at least once a week... ^^

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge