Friday, May 11, 2012

.:P52 . Week 19:.

Week 19 - still life

First of all, for impeding reasons darcy @ my3boybarians is not hosting the P52 project anymore, and the role goes to Kent Weakley
That being said, let's have a quick language lesson, shall we? Both in Portuguese (Natureza morta - Mother Language) and in Italian (Natura morta - Home Language) today's topic can be roughly translated as "Dead Nature"... and this is how my husband affectionately calls our plants comes summer time - yes, most of our vegetation doesn't even make it to fall... It was just fitting to post a pic garden related, as it's gardening season AND I haven't killed any of our greenery (yet)...

Finally, so that our plants can hope, this year I have a new helper...

Let's see if she is more of a green thumb than her mother...

See you next week (and maybe so will our flowers)... ;)

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
PS.: guess we will need another banner...

The new banner:

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley

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