Saturday, September 29, 2012

.:P52 - week 39:.

Week 39 - Collections

I'm a collector, I gather everything within reach as a part of a group... birthday cards, dried flowers, wedding memorabilia, books by author, exotic animals soft toys, and videos... lots of them...

the collection that's been increasing by the hour lately is the one of disney movies (and books, and so on)...

the reason?
this lady:

I love singing with the films, she loves listening to me and jumping... YAY to having a family member young enough to think her mother's singing rocks!!! LOL

posting to P52P52 with Kent Weakley

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

.:about dreams:.

You know when you dream sth and wakes up without knowing wether it was true or not?
this happened to me today... I asked the hubby if that had really happened (so that you have an idea of the dream) and he laughed about it... turns out that before midday it was a reality and not a dream anymore... weird people are like this...

on other news we've managed to get some meat into the system of sweet little pea!!! YAY!! this is a happy carnivore mamma speaking...

just a photo of the last feeding of the day, when I get to relax on the sofa cuddling with the little lady and her bottle; and the cat comes to get strokes from SLP... I'm telling you, sweetest thing ever... (thought you'd like to know, sil... ;)

ps.: MIL still at the hospital... miss her, a lot.. =/

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

.:about bits and bobs:.

ok, so this is not a P52 post... (amazing, right? the first in a long time) but I think that if my sis was still waiting for me to connect and chat and babble she deserved a more thorough explanation (and some gratuitous photos of the little lady)

we've been on and off this week, for the sweet lady I call mother-in-law has been in the hospital because of some heart issues... worried, tired and anxious we dragged through this past week...

sweet little pea is in the count of five on the teething department, and is working her way with loads more naps during the day (way to go!)... guess she prefers the chilly weather over the hot as hell one... foresee some difficult time with the traveling for this sake...

days are much shorter than before, 7 pm is dark already, and our cat doesn't seem to complain about it, lazy puss...

here hoping our beloved short lady is sent home today or tomorrow, we'll see...

ps.: sorry, but I can't help enjoying fall deliciousness, if that is a word...

Friday, September 21, 2012

.:P52 - Week 38:.

Week 38 - birds/flying

So it's been some time since I last showed up around here... fact is our niece came to visit and play with SLP(ha! sweet little pea... but you've got it, right?), waited on the pc for 10 minutes while the baby dozed off and the day after it wouldn't work anymore... (the computer, not the baby)... amazing, right? I would use the word fascinating, but I lack the optimism for it...

this week's theme took me back to the lake behind my in-laws' house because it's one of our common dwellings... my little lady LOVES watching the ducks, and always want to get to them... unfortunately there's a fence in between the duckies and her love (the sweetest "I'll squeeze your heart out of you" kind of love)...

she's getting the hang of standing on her own two feet without help... well, almost... ;) she'll managed it for kind of two seconds, get really excited about it and forget her balance falling square on her diapered butt... the cutest thing if I may say so...

so, the first photo is at the P52 challenge, by now you should know all about it, right?

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley

Saturday, September 01, 2012

.:P52 - Week 35:.

Week 35 - Endless Summer

this is sth that makes me love beautiful summer days: breathtaking skies... it makes people believe that it will last forever..

even though it seems like the last rainy day has taken away the summer, it will always be an unforgettable first summer for our sweet little pea, now she's standing and scooting, cute... ^^

linking to the P52 challenge...

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley