So it's been some time since I last showed up around here... fact is our niece came to visit and play with SLP(ha! sweet little pea... but you've got it, right?), waited on the pc for 10 minutes while the baby dozed off and the day after it wouldn't work anymore... (the computer, not the baby)... amazing, right? I would use the word fascinating, but I lack the optimism for it...
this week's theme took me back to the lake behind my in-laws' house because it's one of our common dwellings... my little lady LOVES watching the ducks, and always want to get to them... unfortunately there's a fence in between the duckies and her love (the sweetest "I'll squeeze your heart out of you" kind of love)...
she's getting the hang of standing on her own two feet without help... well, almost... ;) she'll managed it for kind of two seconds, get really excited about it and forget her balance falling square on her diapered butt... the cutest thing if I may say so...
so, the first photo is at the P52 challenge, by now you should know all about it, right?
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