Predictable? Yes.
Perfect? Most certainly.
cheesy? What is worthy in life that hasn't got a little cheesiness to it?
this is a lullaby of a million and two the pea listens to me singing at night...
(depending on the time of the year the list of choice may include "I saw mommy kissing santa claus" just because... ;)
Monday, July 28, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
.:like mother, like daughter:.
The sweet little pea is a big deal around here, guess you'd know that... What you must not know about is that about once every hour she goes off crying... Why? Domestic accidents... Stupid things, like kicking the foot of the table, or hitting your shin hard against the chair... I'm used to it... I'm no stranger to it as matter of fact...
Rumour has it I've stumbled on light poles (they are just impossible to spot in advance); almost hit a horse while read-walking (because how can you stop reading the fourth novel of the harry potter series when it is your first reading and you're less than 40 pages from the end?!?); stumbled on a tree root, slided on a puddle, stuck my foot in a hole and fallen breaking my glass and ripping my skirt (progressively, one right after the other) in front of "colégio militar" when students were streaming out of the gates... Somebody out there must have wet their pants while scheduling the event, great sense of humour...
So it is just predictable that I would understand immediately when I hear her crying/complaing/going oh,oh... Today it was the couch... It just came out of nowhere... The dialogue was as follows:
*her crying holding her nose, while my husband was literally rolling with laughter.
Me: what's happenned, dear?
Her: I hurt my nose.
Me: How?
Her : The couch hit me.
*I hold her to cuddle a little and check if the nose is all right...
Him: it was hilarious, really. One second she was walking straight, then she stopped to say sth and changed direction out of the blue hitting her nose on the couch... How can she manage sth like that?!?
Me: it is normal.
Him: oh, yeah (laughing) for you two...
Me: you should know it by now, things just appear out of the blue.
Her: yes, the couch came and hit me.
A daughter to my own heart! ^^
Rumour has it I've stumbled on light poles (they are just impossible to spot in advance); almost hit a horse while read-walking (because how can you stop reading the fourth novel of the harry potter series when it is your first reading and you're less than 40 pages from the end?!?); stumbled on a tree root, slided on a puddle, stuck my foot in a hole and fallen breaking my glass and ripping my skirt (progressively, one right after the other) in front of "colégio militar" when students were streaming out of the gates... Somebody out there must have wet their pants while scheduling the event, great sense of humour...
So it is just predictable that I would understand immediately when I hear her crying/complaing/going oh,oh... Today it was the couch... It just came out of nowhere... The dialogue was as follows:
*her crying holding her nose, while my husband was literally rolling with laughter.
Me: what's happenned, dear?
Her: I hurt my nose.
Me: How?
Her : The couch hit me.
*I hold her to cuddle a little and check if the nose is all right...
Him: it was hilarious, really. One second she was walking straight, then she stopped to say sth and changed direction out of the blue hitting her nose on the couch... How can she manage sth like that?!?
Me: it is normal.
Him: oh, yeah (laughing) for you two...
Me: you should know it by now, things just appear out of the blue.
Her: yes, the couch came and hit me.
A daughter to my own heart! ^^
Friday, July 25, 2014
.:musicography - part 13:.
When I was prego I put on more than 20 kilos, and as a matter of fact, I only cared about it when my doc would complain about me not following the diet and so on and so forth... Really, I was fine, the baby was fine, so what was the trauma?
That period is sth unique... Can't explain... It was the closest to magical I could ever get, so it would bother me when people would start up a conversation saying: don't worry, you'll get back in shape pretty fast... My mind went about sth like "I am not worried about it (apart from doc appointments when I would most certainly be told off - and nobody likes that) you are..." I was thriving... How can anybody think about appearance when something so spectacular as life is happening in the most evident way?!? Clearly Italians can...
And even though this is the setting for the music selection, no mafia related motives were included for my picking it... :p
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
.:musicography - part 12:.
some people certainly saw this one coming... but this is not about her, I'd rather not... this is about him...
funny how you fight all your adolescence to be anything different from your parents and, still, one fine day you wake up and BANG you are every bit just like them... and surprisingly? you wouldn't change it for the world...
I have intricate degrees of both of them waved into my being... so much so that it is difficult to decide whether it was me choosing to be this way or they planting the seed day after day over the years...
That time of our lives was hard... on all of us... we endured... we fought... we received the blow... we stuck together...
she had her way of loving openly... but he, he loves fully, givingly, extremely, but silently... sometimes it can be difficult for people to spot it, they overlook it... but if you pay just a little bit of attention to the small details it doesn't matter that his voice is so loud and grave... it makes no difference that he storms around if he believes to be on the right...
I guess this was the hardest part of leaving Rio again... having to leave him behind...
this song is for him, each and every time I sing it... now and always...
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
.:about being an indian:.
more often than not posts here are about the pea... this one as well... ^^
it is no mystery she has been having a hard time adapting to separation when I have to go away... I'm happy to report that today was the first day she waved goodbye happily and told me:
"Ci vediamo dopo, mamma. Perchè torni sempre." (see you later, mommy. because you always come back.") and it feels great to leave your daughter while she is sporting a smile, rather than fighting the caretaker with all her might while screaming her lungs away...
Hot weather is calling to us... and this post is a picture happy one... excuse us if it takes a little to load, and each picture has a little something scattered there, disconnected from the other (mostly), but telling her story all the same...
it is no mystery she has been having a hard time adapting to separation when I have to go away... I'm happy to report that today was the first day she waved goodbye happily and told me:
"Ci vediamo dopo, mamma. Perchè torni sempre." (see you later, mommy. because you always come back.") and it feels great to leave your daughter while she is sporting a smile, rather than fighting the caretaker with all her might while screaming her lungs away...
Hot weather is calling to us... and this post is a picture happy one... excuse us if it takes a little to load, and each picture has a little something scattered there, disconnected from the other (mostly), but telling her story all the same...
walking to the in-laws.
her: Guarda, mamma. ci sono le api, fanno il miele per thais. sono brave le api.
(look, mommy. There are bees, they make honey for me. They are nice the bees.)
Skills: eating an ice-cream cone with minimum waste - accomplished!
"Mamma, ho imparato a fare le capriole!"
*or so she believes... ;)
Watching "Grease" more specifically "Grease Lightining"
"Ohhh, hai visto che ballano?"
picking her up at school, I find her with different clothing...
me: ti sei fatta la pipi addosso, thais?
lei: non, ho giocato...
me: e perchè ti sei cambiata?
Maestra: ha giocato con il fango.
lei(a big great smile plastered on her face): si! ho giocato con il fango e mi sono divertita tantissimo!
*yep, I can tell how much fun she's had from her shoes...
Lei: Dove andiamo.
Me: andiamo in biblioteca.
Lei: cos'è la biblioteca?
Me: è dove abitano i libri.
*her answer to that was the smile you see in the picture... ^^
Lei: Guarda! Sono un treno! tchu tchu, café com pao, café com pao...
*walking to school
"Wow! c'è la mia ombra che mi segue!"
*One week before picture coming back home I see all her friends coming out of school painted with moustache and beard or whiskers... she hates face painting... when I see her not a speckle of paint on her face.
Me: hanno colorato i tuoi amici?
Lei: sì.
me: come mai non sei colorato anche tu?
lei: ma io sono thais, non sono un gatto. e non ho i baffi.
*yesterday she comes back home with indian painting on her face. Last week they were working with the lost boys, this week is the indians (all from peter pan - the first week was for peter and tinker bell, I gave her wings, they gave her a magic wand and fairy dust... uhum, three days to get all the glitter off of her hair)
Me: wow, sei un'indiana.
Lei: sì. hai visto? oggi ho i baffi e cantò e ballo nei fallò...
apparently being an indian is way better than being a lost boy... I have to agree with that one... ;)
.:musicography - part 11:.
Buble proves that something good can come from canada (in spite of what you heard cartman say)... my husband and I have a deal: I get michael and he gets claudia schiffer... for me it is quite fair, considering all of us are happily married and with cute kids the odds are in our favour... ^^
as for the choice of the song, I wanted to tackle sinatra and new sinatra in the same blow, but "you're nobody till sb loves you" didn't speak to us at all... we were somebody, and good happy somebodies, before meeting... I guess for us falling in love was an important part, but not the whole... it changed our axis, and that is the best explanation I can come up with... both times we just had to sort out our priorities... things fell into new life boxes so that the whole of it would still make sense... but first there was only the two of us, then there was the pea in the mix, and I can tell you, falling in love with those two felt great, and feels great every time I allow it to resurface...
why every time I allow? because it is a choice... I can choose to marvel in the small tidbits that make me love them or I can focus on every annoying habit that drives me up the walls... It is quite easy to go one route or the other, and truth be told, I'd rather go the route that makes me the happiest... ;)
a toast for the perfection of life in its own imperfections, and for having people that make you sing like nobody is watching you (because, hello, who doesn't make a fool of himself when singing to a favourite tune? and yes, we've been know to scare people in the highways because of our - my - crazy singing habits... in his defence, he still needs to learn some, but is very supportive and can embrace craziness in his life like a champ... =)
as for the choice of the song, I wanted to tackle sinatra and new sinatra in the same blow, but "you're nobody till sb loves you" didn't speak to us at all... we were somebody, and good happy somebodies, before meeting... I guess for us falling in love was an important part, but not the whole... it changed our axis, and that is the best explanation I can come up with... both times we just had to sort out our priorities... things fell into new life boxes so that the whole of it would still make sense... but first there was only the two of us, then there was the pea in the mix, and I can tell you, falling in love with those two felt great, and feels great every time I allow it to resurface...
why every time I allow? because it is a choice... I can choose to marvel in the small tidbits that make me love them or I can focus on every annoying habit that drives me up the walls... It is quite easy to go one route or the other, and truth be told, I'd rather go the route that makes me the happiest... ;)
a toast for the perfection of life in its own imperfections, and for having people that make you sing like nobody is watching you (because, hello, who doesn't make a fool of himself when singing to a favourite tune? and yes, we've been know to scare people in the highways because of our - my - crazy singing habits... in his defence, he still needs to learn some, but is very supportive and can embrace craziness in his life like a champ... =)
Friday, July 18, 2014
.:musicography - interlude:.
This song hasn't made it to the official list, but it is too much to go unacknowledged... I guess everybody knows at least one Don Juan, don't we?
if you want to skip to the actual song go to 3:08' (but the whole of it is worth your time, that is my humble opinion... ;)
ps.: the little pea's vocabulary doesn't cease to amaze me... last things for the record:
mer 16 lug
me - cosa è successo all'asilo oggi?
lei - sono stata investita con una bici.
me - da vero?
lei - sì. marco mi è venuto adosso con la bici e sono caduta. Mi sono sporcata.
me - e lui, cosa ha fatto?
lei - è andato via. poi è venuta la maestra e mi ha tirata su.
later, visiting the cat
*the cat kind of attacks her... no permanent damage, mind you, but she starts to cry...
Zio Albano - ma cosa ti ha fatto la gatta?
lei - la lizzie mi ha assalita.
Zio Albano - però. ti ha fatto male?
lei - sì. ma è già passato.
Zio Albano (to us) - assalita, ma dove va a prendere queste parole? ci sono dei quarentenni che non sanno neanche cosa significhi assalita...
me *thinking - I, too, wonder...
if you want to skip to the actual song go to 3:08' (but the whole of it is worth your time, that is my humble opinion... ;)
ps.: the little pea's vocabulary doesn't cease to amaze me... last things for the record:
mer 16 lug
me - cosa è successo all'asilo oggi?
lei - sono stata investita con una bici.
me - da vero?
lei - sì. marco mi è venuto adosso con la bici e sono caduta. Mi sono sporcata.
me - e lui, cosa ha fatto?
lei - è andato via. poi è venuta la maestra e mi ha tirata su.
later, visiting the cat
*the cat kind of attacks her... no permanent damage, mind you, but she starts to cry...
Zio Albano - ma cosa ti ha fatto la gatta?
lei - la lizzie mi ha assalita.
Zio Albano - però. ti ha fatto male?
lei - sì. ma è già passato.
Zio Albano (to us) - assalita, ma dove va a prendere queste parole? ci sono dei quarentenni che non sanno neanche cosa significhi assalita...
me *thinking - I, too, wonder...
Thursday, July 17, 2014
.:musicography - part 10:.
laura pausini, song in italian... hmmm, guess this one is quite self-explanatory, isn't it? <3
the lyrics are also great, if you care to read and understand (or google it) be my guest... just the simplicity of life, and all those analogies are meaningful for me, to the heart...
oh, yeah... almost forgot the lovey dovey photos... sorry, but we have great moments together, not great photos... ;)
enjoy it!
"La nebbia che si posa la mattina
le pietre di un sentiero
di collina
il falco che s'innalzerà
il primo raggio che verra`
la neve che si sciogliera`
correndo al mare
l'impronta di una testa sul cuscino
i passi lenti e incerti
di un bambino
lo sguardo di serenita`
la mano che si tendera`
la gioia di chi aspettera`
per questo e quello che verra`
l'odore del caffe` nella cucina
la casa tutta piena di mattina
e l'ascensore che non va
l'amore per la mia citta`
la gente che sorridera`
lungo la strada
i rami che s'intrecciano nel cielo
un vecchio che cammina tutto solo
l'estate che poi passera`
il grano che maturera`
la mano che lo cogliera`
per questo e quello che verrà
io canto
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa e canto
la banda in testa e canto
corro nel vento e canto
la vita intera e canto
la primavera e canto
l'ultima sera e canto io
per chi mi ascoltera`
voglio cantare
sempre cantare
io canto
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa
e canto
la vita intera canto...
corro nel vento e canto
io canto
la vita intera e canto
io canto
per chi mi ascolterà per chi mi ascolterà"
the lyrics are also great, if you care to read and understand (or google it) be my guest... just the simplicity of life, and all those analogies are meaningful for me, to the heart...
oh, yeah... almost forgot the lovey dovey photos... sorry, but we have great moments together, not great photos... ;)
enjoy it!
"La nebbia che si posa la mattina
le pietre di un sentiero
di collina
il falco che s'innalzerà
il primo raggio che verra`
la neve che si sciogliera`
correndo al mare
l'impronta di una testa sul cuscino
i passi lenti e incerti
di un bambino
lo sguardo di serenita`
la mano che si tendera`
la gioia di chi aspettera`
per questo e quello che verra`
![]() |
rio - 2007 |
Io canto
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa e canto
la banda in testa e canto
corro nel vento e Canto
la vita intera e canto
la primavera e canto
la mia preghiera e canto
per chi mi ascoltera`
voglio cantare
sempre cantare
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa e canto
la banda in testa e canto
corro nel vento e Canto
la vita intera e canto
la primavera e canto
la mia preghiera e canto
per chi mi ascoltera`
voglio cantare
sempre cantare
![]() |
Rio - 2007 |
la casa tutta piena di mattina
e l'ascensore che non va
l'amore per la mia citta`
la gente che sorridera`
lungo la strada
i rami che s'intrecciano nel cielo
un vecchio che cammina tutto solo
l'estate che poi passera`
il grano che maturera`
la mano che lo cogliera`
per questo e quello che verrà
![]() |
Bassano - 2008 |
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa e canto
la banda in testa e canto
corro nel vento e canto
la vita intera e canto
la primavera e canto
l'ultima sera e canto io
per chi mi ascoltera`
voglio cantare
sempre cantare
![]() |
Cabo Frio - 2009 |
le mani in tasca e canto
la voce in festa
e canto
la vita intera canto...
corro nel vento e canto
io canto
la vita intera e canto
io canto
per chi mi ascolterà per chi mi ascolterà"
![]() |
Cabo Frio - 2009 |
the song says it all: "for this and what is to come, I sing... ^^
"per questo e quello che verrà, io canto..."
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
.:musicography - part 9:.
DISCLAIMER: very old photos following!!! thanks for your attention, we can now continue...
and today brings my love for musicals and soundtracks... ask me who sings a song and I may give you the name of three different singers trying to guess it right... ask me in which film it was featured and I can tell you the film, scene and what happens before and after said song... it sucks, I know, but I was born this way... (yeah, that is a lie too... but I blame disney - more specifically The Lion King - first ever video owned by me... and guess what, it was full of songs!!!)
as for the setting, well, it has nothing to do with the film itself, but the overall mood of the song... it reminds me of the drama club... if you didn't take part in it I'm so sorry, your life will never be complete... ^^
jokes aside, it was a great time at work, when I had the most amazing groups ever, I used to have fun in each and every class, so much that you would see me heading to work on friday night (no, I didn't work on fridays, but loved it so much a friend and I started a group called Drama Club to work with students on weekly meetings) to have a go at theatre...
What wasn't my surprise when I loved it, and so did the students... funny how every meeting would feature one of us (and most often than not) all of us answering a question with a song and have it go on forever... uhum, a very enthusiastic group... and I miss it greatly deeply... I was lucky enough to realize it was a great moment in my life and got to enjoy each and every minute of it...
I'm happy to report that, from the drama club group at least five students that I know of have become teachers... And I so fool myself imagining this experience had some influence on them... a dreamer will dream, right?
and today brings my love for musicals and soundtracks... ask me who sings a song and I may give you the name of three different singers trying to guess it right... ask me in which film it was featured and I can tell you the film, scene and what happens before and after said song... it sucks, I know, but I was born this way... (yeah, that is a lie too... but I blame disney - more specifically The Lion King - first ever video owned by me... and guess what, it was full of songs!!!)
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see, margot? flip flops, that was the day I told you about... ;) |
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the trio... work, beer, snooker... |
jokes aside, it was a great time at work, when I had the most amazing groups ever, I used to have fun in each and every class, so much that you would see me heading to work on friday night (no, I didn't work on fridays, but loved it so much a friend and I started a group called Drama Club to work with students on weekly meetings) to have a go at theatre...
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drama club in Uglylilly |
What wasn't my surprise when I loved it, and so did the students... funny how every meeting would feature one of us (and most often than not) all of us answering a question with a song and have it go on forever... uhum, a very enthusiastic group... and I miss it greatly deeply... I was lucky enough to realize it was a great moment in my life and got to enjoy each and every minute of it...
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cue the T-shirt: "atras do trem as tropas vem trotando" <3 |
I'm happy to report that, from the drama club group at least five students that I know of have become teachers... And I so fool myself imagining this experience had some influence on them... a dreamer will dream, right?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
.:musicography - part 8:.
Next on is : alanis (aka "a gritadeira!")... what can I say? Love screaming along with her tunes... My broommate knew it, her manfriend knew it, even my mother knew it (poor her, she certainly got her fair share of shout singing on her days... )
funny how it is not "hand in my pocket" the chosen one, even though it is my favourite to sing (along with "ironic" which talks about anything and everything but irony... yeah, I'm pitching to buy alanis a new dictionary for her bday, thank you very much)
so, the choice, girl meets boy; they get together; she falls for him; he falls for another one (did I mention it happens before boy meets girl? hmmm... thought so) and they have a baby; girl turns deluded, angry, and goes ballistic; and eventually gets over it... I guess everybody who is somebody knows how these things go...
funny how it is not "hand in my pocket" the chosen one, even though it is my favourite to sing (along with "ironic" which talks about anything and everything but irony... yeah, I'm pitching to buy alanis a new dictionary for her bday, thank you very much)
so, the choice, girl meets boy; they get together; she falls for him; he falls for another one (did I mention it happens before boy meets girl? hmmm... thought so) and they have a baby; girl turns deluded, angry, and goes ballistic; and eventually gets over it... I guess everybody who is somebody knows how these things go...
Monday, July 14, 2014
.:about bits and bops and bad hair day:.
Oh, sweet freedom it is when you don't have a silly crush anymore and your husband has already seen worse hair than that of a bad hair day... What untamed feeling when your daughter doesn't care what hair looks like and if you really think it is that bad you can work a hat into your outfit tomorrow morning and wear a big smile with it...
Tomorrow I'll try to get back on track with the posts and stuff... My sweet little lady is having a hard time get in tune with her new routine, and so am I... She wanted more time to be together with me, and I guess I wish it doubled... But the day has just so many hours... And those in the morning have become the longest hours ever in the history... Longer than waiting for TLOTR to finish so that you can run to the bathroom in the cinema kind of long... But pass they do... And we will make it... Right now? Not looking forward to september...
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
.:musicography - part 7:.
This week I'm hooked on practicality Vs imagination... my husband and in-laws are all for the get-things-done-and-be-over-with-it approach (so is my father and my sister for that matter)... I'm more for a amaze-yourself-with-the-little-bug-climbing-ip-your-windowsill-and-make-a-picture/painting/song-about-it kind of thinking... yeah, I feel kind of left out not having any supporters in the family... but, hey, there's the pea...
I try to inspire this kind of resolution in her life because if not to be lived, what is life for, right? the way I see it, you can get stuck in a traffic jam going to work and be all crampy about it, or you can walk/drive/ride with good company enjoying the world around you... so time is only a frame... and for children that is truer than ever... which brings us to taking the pea to school (or wherever we need to go)...
When in rio, my father would scold me for taking time to let my daughter look around... he would tell me we would never get anywhere if I stopped to let her touch/smell/watch/question everything she saw in the way... my answer? the rest can wait... I used to work mornings, far from her, and she was but 1 y.o. and I missed so the chance of unlimited time with her...
Now what I do to try and remedy the short time we have is to allocate time for the awe factor... because people should always allow time to marvel (sorry about it, DC... kkk pun not inteded initially)... anywho, wherever we need to go, we leave with a minimun 30 extra minutes to spare... and then we can take it slow and enjoy life, not only rush through it...
and the song, from the only pop french band I know (thx to my broommate) to remember the days in brighton with the funniest group of mostly french classmates anyone could wish for... ^^
Monday, July 07, 2014
.:musicography - part 6:.
It is something amazing when your friends know you that well, isn't it? Maybe it is because she has been there for most of it, but still she cares enough to remember and knows what it takes to guess things right...
Next stop on the musicography are the years of loud music, late concerts and much dancing... It is the season in life when you can get home from a great night, after having eaten sth not so healthy at the hot dog stall, have a shower and head to work on saturday from seven to six and give some of your best classes ever (yeah, awe inspiring: not alcohol induced, mind you)
I was in two minds about this song and a samba that makes me remember CDAC, but the lyrics made more sense, and there is also a story with some cows, a whiner, a festival, one car, four girls, a long search and a motel... And that is surely sth to remember, and tell my grandkids some day... (Sorry if I got your immagination running wild, but, trust me when I say it is not as bad as it seems, just straight out fun...) oh, the memories... Kkk
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Hoje, ou melhor, ontem (these late hours will kill me) teria sido um aniversário importante...
Como às vezes é complicado parar de pensar, fica a minha saudade e o meu amor...
Sem musicography esta noite...
Como às vezes é complicado parar de pensar, fica a minha saudade e o meu amor...
Sem musicography esta noite...
Friday, July 04, 2014
.:musicography - part 5:.
ok, so many things about this song... this is one of my go-to happy songs... yeah, I know... but still, makes me smile every single time... ;)
besides, let's say it's a signpost, shall we? meaning, I'm a sucker for soundtracks, especially teen rom com soundtracks, and if you have ever been a student of mine you've found it out the hard way... ^^ (and you've filled up your quote of songs with annoyingly-sounding-voiced-teen-female-singers... for three consecutive lives... you're welcome!) Then again, if I don't use the annoying voiced singers card, how am I to sing along without any complaints? tough choice, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... ;)
so, if you can live it through, hit play...
besides, let's say it's a signpost, shall we? meaning, I'm a sucker for soundtracks, especially teen rom com soundtracks, and if you have ever been a student of mine you've found it out the hard way... ^^ (and you've filled up your quote of songs with annoyingly-sounding-voiced-teen-female-singers... for three consecutive lives... you're welcome!) Then again, if I don't use the annoying voiced singers card, how am I to sing along without any complaints? tough choice, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... ;)
so, if you can live it through, hit play...
Thursday, July 03, 2014
.:musicography - part 4:.
There we go again... the pea wanting me to stay with her at school, which leads to her wanting me to stay near when she sleeps at night, which leads to great night time trips to her bedroom every time she wakes up... and really? it shatters my heart because everything about having her start school screams to me: it is time to start letting her go!!! because, honestly? the look a newborn gives you nobody ever will, just so, you will mean the world to nobody else but that dependable human being... You are everything he knows, needs and wants... and just like that you have to nurture and teach and let him waddle into the world around him... and eventually, you have to let him go... and that is what we are doing, that is why starting school is hard... there will never again be that moment when it is just the two of you, and even though it is gradual, the anticipation is killing me...
as for today's song, Legiao Urbana, and even though it has nothing to do with what I just said it has everything to do it... That moment in my life may as well have been the hardest ever... the moment when you realize that it is inevitable to grow up... And so you do it...
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
.:musicography - part 3:.
and today brings the south... brought to you by graforreia xilarmonica, the clip is from a different band because that is the one who introduced me to the former (and anyway, who am I kidding? I love fernandinha takai!)... ^^
I strongly advise you to get to know "amigo punk" if you don't know it already... just because anybody who got drunk in poa (or intends to, by any means) while enjoyed some well prepared barbecue can't help but sing along... ;)
These were the days when Aurora got a new life for poa by night, and I got to do some intense writing... there it goes, from north to south, this is my ode to people from the "provincia"...
I strongly advise you to get to know "amigo punk" if you don't know it already... just because anybody who got drunk in poa (or intends to, by any means) while enjoyed some well prepared barbecue can't help but sing along... ;)
These were the days when Aurora got a new life for poa by night, and I got to do some intense writing... there it goes, from north to south, this is my ode to people from the "provincia"...
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
.:last from the pea:.
With summer camp on there is a load more conversations going on with the,of course with her version of things...
Day 1 - getting out of school.
Me - did you play with your friends?
Her- sì
Me - who was there?
Her - martino, michele, giulia
Me - any new friends?
Her - sì
Me - do you remember their names?
Her - non lo so. (I don't know)
Me - what did you do today?
Her - martino è caduto. È scivolato sul fango e si è fatto male a alla gamba... Era tutto sporco, povero, ma la maestra è venuta e ha detto non c'è più male e lui stava mèglio. (She explained all the details of her friend slipping and hurting himself)
Me - did he cry?
Her - sì, ma la maestra l'ha fatto stare bene.
Day 2 - walking to school( guess it is worth mentioning that walking a toddler to school is nothing less than crazy, 40 minutes walk for a 3 minutes bike ride... Guess tomorrow we are sticking to the bike) we see a little girl with her backpack walking to school.
Me - look, a friend from school. Do you know her?
Her - sì, lei è cattiva... (Yes, she is a bad girl)
Me - why is she bad?
Her - lei mi ha spinta. (She pushed me.)
Me - did she apologise?
Her - non. Lei era sull'o scivolo e sono salita lei ha detto di non e mi ha spinta. E poi ha ballato. ( non. She was in the slides and i got on and she told me no and pushed me. And then she danced.)
Me (me thinking, what a devilish little tart!) - i'm sure it wasn't on purpose, but she should have apologised.
Her - sì, ma lei è piccola, non capisce. (Yes, but she is little, doesn't understand.)
Going to the grandparents after afternoon nap, she sees a dog ( or a rat, it all depends on the point of view)
Her - oh, look! A little dog! Can I pet it, madam?
Random Lady - sure! Do you like dogs?
Her - sì, ma non ho nessuno purtroppo. (Yes, but I don't have any, unfortunately)
And no, her lines are not edited... She is just the cutest thing ever, thank you very much... ;)
Ps.: sorry about the lines in italian, but I really want to have registered what she said but also how she said it all... I'm not purposefully trying to torture you with google translator... ;)
Day 1 - getting out of school.
Me - did you play with your friends?
Her- sì
Me - who was there?
Her - martino, michele, giulia
Me - any new friends?
Her - sì
Me - do you remember their names?
Her - non lo so. (I don't know)
Me - what did you do today?
Her - martino è caduto. È scivolato sul fango e si è fatto male a alla gamba... Era tutto sporco, povero, ma la maestra è venuta e ha detto non c'è più male e lui stava mèglio. (She explained all the details of her friend slipping and hurting himself)
Me - did he cry?
Her - sì, ma la maestra l'ha fatto stare bene.
Day 2 - walking to school( guess it is worth mentioning that walking a toddler to school is nothing less than crazy, 40 minutes walk for a 3 minutes bike ride... Guess tomorrow we are sticking to the bike) we see a little girl with her backpack walking to school.
Me - look, a friend from school. Do you know her?
Her - sì, lei è cattiva... (Yes, she is a bad girl)
Me - why is she bad?
Her - lei mi ha spinta. (She pushed me.)
Me - did she apologise?
Her - non. Lei era sull'o scivolo e sono salita lei ha detto di non e mi ha spinta. E poi ha ballato. ( non. She was in the slides and i got on and she told me no and pushed me. And then she danced.)
Me (me thinking, what a devilish little tart!) - i'm sure it wasn't on purpose, but she should have apologised.
Her - sì, ma lei è piccola, non capisce. (Yes, but she is little, doesn't understand.)
Going to the grandparents after afternoon nap, she sees a dog ( or a rat, it all depends on the point of view)
Her - oh, look! A little dog! Can I pet it, madam?
Random Lady - sure! Do you like dogs?
Her - sì, ma non ho nessuno purtroppo. (Yes, but I don't have any, unfortunately)
And no, her lines are not edited... She is just the cutest thing ever, thank you very much... ;)
Ps.: sorry about the lines in italian, but I really want to have registered what she said but also how she said it all... I'm not purposefully trying to torture you with google translator... ;)
.:musicography - part 2:.
ok, a post in portuguese...
Entao, crianças, pra quem nao sabia: filha de pais nordestinos, muito prazer! ^^
Isso quer dizer q TODAS as minhas ferias de verao (geralmente carnaval incluido, quem eu to querendo enganar, a gente sempre começava a escola depois do carnaval mesmo q significasse perder um mes de aula) até começar a faculdade foram passadas no nordeste entre sergipe, alagoas e bahia no delta do sao francisco...
sim, embora meu marido diga q eu nao sei nadar, foi la que aprendi a nadar, contra a correnteza do rio, a tecnica pode nao ser das melhores mas é o resultado que conta, certo?
todo ano ia ao carnaval de rua com meus primos, e sim, eu cantava com os trios, e adorava o bell... ^^ (quero chiclete, chiclé, quero chiclete, chiclé!!!)... I know, shocking... sorry if I let you down, but one can not change its own colours... ;)
se algum de vcs ja participou de carnaval no nordeste (nao precisa ser salvador, ou mesmo os confins da bahia, pq ser bahiano na verdade é muito mais q geografia - por favor, nao avisem aos bahianos... ;) sabe q a musica postada é o hino do carnaval de là, é a musica que todos esperam pra cantar a plenos pulmoes junto com o trio... e é impagavel...
Nao achei um video curto do chiclete com banana, entao vai uma versao menos entusiasmante (palco e show nao é igual a carnaval, nem perto da sombra...) do asa...
se vcs nao estiverem mais em estado de choque na proxima postagem nos veremos... ;)
Entao, crianças, pra quem nao sabia: filha de pais nordestinos, muito prazer! ^^
Isso quer dizer q TODAS as minhas ferias de verao (geralmente carnaval incluido, quem eu to querendo enganar, a gente sempre começava a escola depois do carnaval mesmo q significasse perder um mes de aula) até começar a faculdade foram passadas no nordeste entre sergipe, alagoas e bahia no delta do sao francisco...
sim, embora meu marido diga q eu nao sei nadar, foi la que aprendi a nadar, contra a correnteza do rio, a tecnica pode nao ser das melhores mas é o resultado que conta, certo?
todo ano ia ao carnaval de rua com meus primos, e sim, eu cantava com os trios, e adorava o bell... ^^ (quero chiclete, chiclé, quero chiclete, chiclé!!!)... I know, shocking... sorry if I let you down, but one can not change its own colours... ;)
se algum de vcs ja participou de carnaval no nordeste (nao precisa ser salvador, ou mesmo os confins da bahia, pq ser bahiano na verdade é muito mais q geografia - por favor, nao avisem aos bahianos... ;) sabe q a musica postada é o hino do carnaval de là, é a musica que todos esperam pra cantar a plenos pulmoes junto com o trio... e é impagavel...
Nao achei um video curto do chiclete com banana, entao vai uma versao menos entusiasmante (palco e show nao é igual a carnaval, nem perto da sombra...) do asa...
se vcs nao estiverem mais em estado de choque na proxima postagem nos veremos... ;)
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a pea's killing spree... no soft toys were hurt on making of this photo... |
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