Xmas has come and gone... all in all we enjoyed it...
it all feels like the deep breath before the plunge, taking in every possible inch...
our little lady got lots of presents and loved each one of them (for about 5 seconds... ;)...
we made cookies together...
and even tried to make her look a little more like a girl...
no luck there, anyway she's cute just the same...
we wish you happy holidays, and lots of cookies!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
.:first snow:.
winter is starting to show its beauty... it's difficult to believe anything can go wrong in the world when you wake up to a peaceful white view...
our little baby girl has grown up so much... is pretty clever (of course, grade it as being said by one of her parents LOL), sweet and caring... amazes me that sb can get out of your mind as fast as she can make you really happy...
I think I've already mentioned it here, but, boy, she's got attitude!!!
ps.: my mind is still playing "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas... " from when I first saved this post...
it's started snowing friday afternoon and the snow's done its thing all through the night... on saturday morning we woke up to the snowy landscape that makes you think of xmas time...
the bad side of the snow is that it apparently let our internet down.. blame the server... two days apart from the foreign world... at least we got some pretty sunny days to balance things up...
The poor little girl above has been put to sleep to an endless variety of xmas tunes uttered by her "mamma", aka me... ^^
heaven knows she deserves all the xmas presents she may receive this year and years to come for this unselfish sacrifice of making a poor-out-of-key-singer that happy...
These days all three of us are home, nesting, cuddling, enjoying each other and planning... life can be good (even when it's not, does it make sense to you?)
I think I've already mentioned it here, but, boy, she's got attitude!!!
ps.: my mind is still playing "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas... " from when I first saved this post...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
.:boulevard of broken dreams:.
Why? so many reasons, but the most important is this one:
I walk alone, I walk alone!!! YAY!!!
The other reasons are awaiting further development... see you soon!
I walk alone, I walk alone!!! YAY!!!
The other reasons are awaiting further development... see you soon!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
.:coming back:.
I've noticed that since I stopped posting at the P52 I reduced considerably the number of photos taken...
Sooooooo... I'm coming back...
This week's theme was harvest or autumn or both... here we've been having a lovely warm fall (crispy but sunny most of the days)... even the gloominess that comes with november haven't settled in so much, I'll never know if it's because of the sun or the frog princess... ;)
She loves reading, or should I say flipping through the pages moving her finger back and forth pretending to tell you a story (yes, she's even got different intonation for each part of the books... unfortunately she prefers reading backwards... go figure)
the girl is a taster! going from cat food, passing through wires to random crumbs she finds over the table at lunch time she puts everything in reach inside her mouth... the bright side? all food items included... ^^
Our sweet little pea... even if there were nothing else to be thankful for her alone would do...
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
so fall looks more like winter around here, with 4° in the morning and 8° at midday (hooray!)...
time to try sth hot and tasty: enter one of the zillion things pined around here.... the french onion soup...
even if my version doesn't look a thing like this on it tasted amazing... totally worth the lingering onion smell in the house for two days in a row...
today our little lady's been to her heart check up, good news she's healthy as a fish... bad news she cried all the time, at least I know her lungs are good as well... ^^
time to try sth hot and tasty: enter one of the zillion things pined around here.... the french onion soup...
even if my version doesn't look a thing like this on it tasted amazing... totally worth the lingering onion smell in the house for two days in a row...
today our little lady's been to her heart check up, good news she's healthy as a fish... bad news she cried all the time, at least I know her lungs are good as well... ^^
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
today I'm taking the time to send our sweet little pea on line for her dear faraway relatives (including her borrowed uncles and aunts- trusting you to show the dricos, sil)...
It's fun to watch her grow every day, but sometimes I forget to share her accomplishments with some of the most important people for me, my family, the one that can never be left behind no matter how far we travel...
We've made some videos so far, all of them with a funny-voiced-shaky-hand-camera mamma behind... this is the last one of the series (well, if we don't count the one made by papa of the sweet lady and her loyal companion: the cat!, but that's another post)...
there she blows:
PS.: the video goal was to show her standing up on her own without support, but our baby has a mind of her own and hardly ever does what we expect her to do...
It's fun to watch her grow every day, but sometimes I forget to share her accomplishments with some of the most important people for me, my family, the one that can never be left behind no matter how far we travel...
We've made some videos so far, all of them with a funny-voiced-shaky-hand-camera mamma behind... this is the last one of the series (well, if we don't count the one made by papa of the sweet lady and her loyal companion: the cat!, but that's another post)...
there she blows:
PS.: the video goal was to show her standing up on her own without support, but our baby has a mind of her own and hardly ever does what we expect her to do...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Hey there, everybody! I know it's been a while since I last posted, and the P52 project has been neglected, but we've been enjoying life and the last sunshine days... (are you singing along with me that good old tune? if you're anything like isabella you certainly are... ;)
My sweet baby is no baby anymore... on her way to becoming a toddler she no longer wants help with her eating or drinking, meaning lots more mess... eventually she gets to swallow some of the stuff she throws around the house... that's the way things are moving on right now...
Crispy mornings and evenings don't let you miss the point, neither do the beautiful fall colors around the hills and mountains surrouding us... I must say time is getting ahead of itself, as the poe like days haven't waited for november to come by... it makes me nostalgic, in a good way...
Crafting is a necessary activity during fall, there goes my first:
and my second fall wreath attempt... this is me "falling" around the house... (ha! do you get it? lame pun... :P) Fall also includes ripe apples, soups, baking and loads of wool...
Hope you too are getting into the spirit of the season...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
.:P52 - week 39:.
Week 39 - Collections
I'm a collector, I gather everything within reach as a part of a group... birthday cards, dried flowers, wedding memorabilia, books by author, exotic animals soft toys, and videos... lots of them...
the collection that's been increasing by the hour lately is the one of disney movies (and books, and so on)...
the reason?
this lady:
I love singing with the films, she loves listening to me and jumping... YAY to having a family member young enough to think her mother's singing rocks!!! LOL
posting to P52

I'm a collector, I gather everything within reach as a part of a group... birthday cards, dried flowers, wedding memorabilia, books by author, exotic animals soft toys, and videos... lots of them...
the collection that's been increasing by the hour lately is the one of disney movies (and books, and so on)...
the reason?
this lady:
I love singing with the films, she loves listening to me and jumping... YAY to having a family member young enough to think her mother's singing rocks!!! LOL
posting to P52
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
.:about dreams:.
You know when you dream sth and wakes up without knowing wether it was true or not?
this happened to me today... I asked the hubby if that had really happened (so that you have an idea of the dream) and he laughed about it... turns out that before midday it was a reality and not a dream anymore... weird people are like this...
on other news we've managed to get some meat into the system of sweet little pea!!! YAY!! this is a happy carnivore mamma speaking...
just a photo of the last feeding of the day, when I get to relax on the sofa cuddling with the little lady and her bottle; and the cat comes to get strokes from SLP... I'm telling you, sweetest thing ever... (thought you'd like to know, sil... ;)
ps.: MIL still at the hospital... miss her, a lot.. =/
this happened to me today... I asked the hubby if that had really happened (so that you have an idea of the dream) and he laughed about it... turns out that before midday it was a reality and not a dream anymore... weird people are like this...
on other news we've managed to get some meat into the system of sweet little pea!!! YAY!! this is a happy carnivore mamma speaking...
just a photo of the last feeding of the day, when I get to relax on the sofa cuddling with the little lady and her bottle; and the cat comes to get strokes from SLP... I'm telling you, sweetest thing ever... (thought you'd like to know, sil... ;)
ps.: MIL still at the hospital... miss her, a lot.. =/
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
.:about bits and bobs:.
ok, so this is not a P52 post... (amazing, right? the first in a long time) but I think that if my sis was still waiting for me to connect and chat and babble she deserved a more thorough explanation (and some gratuitous photos of the little lady)
we've been on and off this week, for the sweet lady I call mother-in-law has been in the hospital because of some heart issues... worried, tired and anxious we dragged through this past week...
sweet little pea is in the count of five on the teething department, and is working her way with loads more naps during the day (way to go!)... guess she prefers the chilly weather over the hot as hell one... foresee some difficult time with the traveling for this sake...
days are much shorter than before, 7 pm is dark already, and our cat doesn't seem to complain about it, lazy puss...
here hoping our beloved short lady is sent home today or tomorrow, we'll see...
ps.: sorry, but I can't help enjoying fall deliciousness, if that is a word...
we've been on and off this week, for the sweet lady I call mother-in-law has been in the hospital because of some heart issues... worried, tired and anxious we dragged through this past week...
sweet little pea is in the count of five on the teething department, and is working her way with loads more naps during the day (way to go!)... guess she prefers the chilly weather over the hot as hell one... foresee some difficult time with the traveling for this sake...
days are much shorter than before, 7 pm is dark already, and our cat doesn't seem to complain about it, lazy puss...
here hoping our beloved short lady is sent home today or tomorrow, we'll see...
ps.: sorry, but I can't help enjoying fall deliciousness, if that is a word...
Friday, September 21, 2012
.:P52 - Week 38:.
Week 38 - birds/flying
So it's been some time since I last showed up around here... fact is our niece came to visit and play with SLP(ha! sweet little pea... but you've got it, right?), waited on the pc for 10 minutes while the baby dozed off and the day after it wouldn't work anymore... (the computer, not the baby)... amazing, right? I would use the word fascinating, but I lack the optimism for it...
this week's theme took me back to the lake behind my in-laws' house because it's one of our common dwellings... my little lady LOVES watching the ducks, and always want to get to them... unfortunately there's a fence in between the duckies and her love (the sweetest "I'll squeeze your heart out of you" kind of love)...
she's getting the hang of standing on her own two feet without help... well, almost... ;) she'll managed it for kind of two seconds, get really excited about it and forget her balance falling square on her diapered butt... the cutest thing if I may say so...
so, the first photo is at the P52 challenge, by now you should know all about it, right?

So it's been some time since I last showed up around here... fact is our niece came to visit and play with SLP(ha! sweet little pea... but you've got it, right?), waited on the pc for 10 minutes while the baby dozed off and the day after it wouldn't work anymore... (the computer, not the baby)... amazing, right? I would use the word fascinating, but I lack the optimism for it...
this week's theme took me back to the lake behind my in-laws' house because it's one of our common dwellings... my little lady LOVES watching the ducks, and always want to get to them... unfortunately there's a fence in between the duckies and her love (the sweetest "I'll squeeze your heart out of you" kind of love)...
she's getting the hang of standing on her own two feet without help... well, almost... ;) she'll managed it for kind of two seconds, get really excited about it and forget her balance falling square on her diapered butt... the cutest thing if I may say so...
so, the first photo is at the P52 challenge, by now you should know all about it, right?
Saturday, September 01, 2012
.:P52 - Week 35:.
Week 35 - Endless Summer
this is sth that makes me love beautiful summer days: breathtaking skies... it makes people believe that it will last forever..
even though it seems like the last rainy day has taken away the summer, it will always be an unforgettable first summer for our sweet little pea, now she's standing and scooting, cute... ^^
linking to the P52 challenge...

this is sth that makes me love beautiful summer days: breathtaking skies... it makes people believe that it will last forever..
even though it seems like the last rainy day has taken away the summer, it will always be an unforgettable first summer for our sweet little pea, now she's standing and scooting, cute... ^^
linking to the P52 challenge...
Saturday, August 25, 2012
.:P52 - Week 34:.
Week 34 - Heat
it's been so hot here we're barely leaving home...
our best friends are air conditioning and lots of water...
as for our sweet little pea, she's doing fine with light clothes and a whole bunch of fruit...
and the girl's heating up, new abilities acquired: crawling really fast and standing up alone ( for a few seconds and holding onto sth for dear life... ;)
linking to the P52 challenge...

it's been so hot here we're barely leaving home...
our best friends are air conditioning and lots of water...
as for our sweet little pea, she's doing fine with light clothes and a whole bunch of fruit...
and the girl's heating up, new abilities acquired: crawling really fast and standing up alone ( for a few seconds and holding onto sth for dear life... ;)
linking to the P52 challenge...
Saturday, August 18, 2012
.:P52 - Week 33:.
Week 33 - Ice
These last weeks of summer have been incredibly hot... and this past week is the last one before my father and sister go back home... time flies when you're having fun...
anyways, with the fall at our door it's time to gather all our fresh herbs and stack them for winter... this year I'm trying sth different: freezing them... parsley with olive oil, "salvia" with butter and so on and so forth..
let's see if it works...
linking to the P52 challenge...

These last weeks of summer have been incredibly hot... and this past week is the last one before my father and sister go back home... time flies when you're having fun...
anyways, with the fall at our door it's time to gather all our fresh herbs and stack them for winter... this year I'm trying sth different: freezing them... parsley with olive oil, "salvia" with butter and so on and so forth..
let's see if it works...
linking to the P52 challenge...
Saturday, August 11, 2012
.:P52 - Week 32:.
Week 32 - Summer favorites
For me summer is the perfect time to start solid food with sweet little pea... every meal time there's a party going on... apples and carrots a-plenty... every where! under the table, on the high chair, on her hair and eyes, on MY hair and eyes... lovely, messy, ALIVE!!! never thought I'd be happy about a whole lot of mess every four hours or so... as they say, life is full of surprises... ;)
Some of my favorites this summer captured during this past week:
eating AL'APERTO with family...
meal time
having this little lady meet her grandpa and aunt
milestones: sitting alone and eating solids
well, guess it's a summer to remember...
linking to the P52 challenge...

For me summer is the perfect time to start solid food with sweet little pea... every meal time there's a party going on... apples and carrots a-plenty... every where! under the table, on the high chair, on her hair and eyes, on MY hair and eyes... lovely, messy, ALIVE!!! never thought I'd be happy about a whole lot of mess every four hours or so... as they say, life is full of surprises... ;)
Some of my favorites this summer captured during this past week:
eating AL'APERTO with family...
meal time
having this little lady meet her grandpa and aunt
milestones: sitting alone and eating solids
well, guess it's a summer to remember...
linking to the P52 challenge...
Saturday, August 04, 2012
.:P52 - Week 31:.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
.:P52 - Week 29:.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
.:P52 - Week 28:.
Week 28 - Summer Treats
I'd actually thought about posting a photograph of one of the yummy summer salads we've been enjoying lately, but my sweet dear husband told me: "no way! salad is NOT a treat!!!"
even though I strongly disagree, I had to take the plunge... pity I couldn't make up my mind between a dessert or wine, so...
in-law's-house-lemon mousse with a hint of mint from our garden and chardonnay(with no black fly in it, sorry alanis) produced locally... gotta love living in veneto... ^^
linking to the P52 challenge...

I'd actually thought about posting a photograph of one of the yummy summer salads we've been enjoying lately, but my sweet dear husband told me: "no way! salad is NOT a treat!!!"
even though I strongly disagree, I had to take the plunge... pity I couldn't make up my mind between a dessert or wine, so...
in-law's-house-lemon mousse with a hint of mint from our garden and chardonnay(with no black fly in it, sorry alanis) produced locally... gotta love living in veneto... ^^
linking to the P52 challenge...
Sunday, July 08, 2012
.:P52 - week 27:.
Week 27 - Kaboom
We are not american, so we don't celebrate the 4th... But it's a tradition here to kick off the camping season at the week of the 4th...
to honor the tradition we headed to our friends' camping site to have a great time together (and show sweet little pea the sea for the first time)...
this little lady was a goer... she would love helping with the little ones making funny faces and singing wee songs to make them laugh... also she has no fear whatsoever and a strictly personal sense of fashion, that's what a baby girl should grow up to be...
sweet little pea's teeth are here!!! she stuffs in her mouth every single thing she can grasp, including papa's ears and mamma's hair... and this fire bomb has made her mom really proud, first time in the sea = escaping the tent to roll on the sand, splashing water on her baby friend inside the plastic pool, not crying when entering the sea and really enjoying the water with me, staring amazed at the waves, not wining or blinking her eyes when the water dried out covering her in salt... really, being the daughter of a brazilian mamma from rio she couldn't have been more true to her origins (well, ignoring the fact that she is so damn white she could as well be described as transparent)...
as for me, it's not until actually hitting the sea that you realize how much you miss the horizon of a beach location... everything from the surging of a read sun behind the water, the "stickness" of the thin sand on your skin, the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves, make me miss home big time...
linking the first photo to the P52 challenge...

We are not american, so we don't celebrate the 4th... But it's a tradition here to kick off the camping season at the week of the 4th...
to honor the tradition we headed to our friends' camping site to have a great time together (and show sweet little pea the sea for the first time)...
this little lady was a goer... she would love helping with the little ones making funny faces and singing wee songs to make them laugh... also she has no fear whatsoever and a strictly personal sense of fashion, that's what a baby girl should grow up to be...
sweet little pea's teeth are here!!! she stuffs in her mouth every single thing she can grasp, including papa's ears and mamma's hair... and this fire bomb has made her mom really proud, first time in the sea = escaping the tent to roll on the sand, splashing water on her baby friend inside the plastic pool, not crying when entering the sea and really enjoying the water with me, staring amazed at the waves, not wining or blinking her eyes when the water dried out covering her in salt... really, being the daughter of a brazilian mamma from rio she couldn't have been more true to her origins (well, ignoring the fact that she is so damn white she could as well be described as transparent)...
as for me, it's not until actually hitting the sea that you realize how much you miss the horizon of a beach location... everything from the surging of a read sun behind the water, the "stickness" of the thin sand on your skin, the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves, make me miss home big time...
linking the first photo to the P52 challenge...
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