more often than not posts here are about the pea... this one as well... ^^
it is no mystery she has been having a hard time adapting to separation when I have to go away... I'm happy to report that today was the first day she waved goodbye happily and told me:
"Ci vediamo dopo, mamma. Perchè torni sempre." (see you later, mommy. because you always come back.") and it feels great to leave your daughter while she is sporting a smile, rather than fighting the caretaker with all her might while screaming her lungs away...
Hot weather is calling to us... and this post is a picture happy one... excuse us if it takes a little to load, and each picture has a little something scattered there, disconnected from the other (mostly), but telling her story all the same...
walking to the in-laws.
her: Guarda, mamma. ci sono le api, fanno il miele per thais. sono brave le api.
(look, mommy. There are bees, they make honey for me. They are nice the bees.)
Skills: eating an ice-cream cone with minimum waste - accomplished!
"Mamma, ho imparato a fare le capriole!"
*or so she believes... ;)
Watching "Grease" more specifically "Grease Lightining"
"Ohhh, hai visto che ballano?"
picking her up at school, I find her with different clothing...
me: ti sei fatta la pipi addosso, thais?
lei: non, ho giocato...
me: e perchè ti sei cambiata?
Maestra: ha giocato con il fango.
lei(a big great smile plastered on her face): si! ho giocato con il fango e mi sono divertita tantissimo!
*yep, I can tell how much fun she's had from her shoes...
Lei: Dove andiamo.
Me: andiamo in biblioteca.
Lei: cos'è la biblioteca?
Me: è dove abitano i libri.
*her answer to that was the smile you see in the picture... ^^
Lei: Guarda! Sono un treno! tchu tchu, café com pao, café com pao...
*walking to school
"Wow! c'è la mia ombra che mi segue!"
*One week before picture coming back home I see all her friends coming out of school painted with moustache and beard or whiskers... she hates face painting... when I see her not a speckle of paint on her face.
Me: hanno colorato i tuoi amici?
Lei: sì.
me: come mai non sei colorato anche tu?
lei: ma io sono thais, non sono un gatto. e non ho i baffi.
*yesterday she comes back home with indian painting on her face. Last week they were working with the lost boys, this week is the indians (all from peter pan - the first week was for peter and tinker bell, I gave her wings, they gave her a magic wand and fairy dust... uhum, three days to get all the glitter off of her hair)
Me: wow, sei un'indiana.
Lei: sì. hai visto? oggi ho i baffi e cantò e ballo nei fallò...
apparently being an indian is way better than being a lost boy... I have to agree with that one... ;)