Friday, May 02, 2014

.:on ice cream and pastries:.

do you know that wonderful feeling of control you get when the sink is empty, the groceries are in their right place and your hamper is not overflowing with dirty clothes? having a grip on your house makes you feel like you have some kind of control over life itself... at least it works this way for me...just not this week...

really tired... fighting mold in the bedroom in the middle of respiratory crisis... how to? repainting... which brings us to disassembling the wardrobe with stray items of clothing hanging around on every free surface in the house... a two-year-old stuck inside because of constant spring showers with lightning... and faulty internet connection...

a dreamy picture, isn't it? the image of chaos ensue here... as I said, so tired...

but some things work in a way, don't they? like having pastries for breakfast and ice cream for dinner (even if you are not a fan)...

watching your daughter on tiptoes trying to climb the table and get the last biscuit in the jar...

Having a cup of tea and coloured pencils to try and brighten a grey morning...

modelling animals with play dough helped by little hands...

or sorting out the photos to go in your family album...

yeah... I'm going to focus on that... 

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