We survived Easter! Yay! family affairs and animosities between brothers summed up to a weird half empty table where people seemed to be playing at "keeping mum"... uhum, not our brightest family moment, but hey, no confrontations... yeah, I hate confrontations, will avoid them if I can e-v-e-r-y time... so that would fair a positive outcome, right? good...
next point in question: the much hated allergy season... then again, let's recap... flowers = good, pollen 0 bad... hot weather = great! (finally!) people who think mowing grass is necessary = seriously, what were they thinking?!? it is grass, just let it grow... what if you can't find your children in the garden anymore when they go out to play? I'm sure they are having fun (and allergic people are raising statues in your honour all over the country from the northern mountains to the coastal heel... just go with that feeling and sacrifice a few small ones, they will find the front door... eventually...)
all this to say allergy hit hard... meaning asthma attacks keeping me up all night, and medications and a two year-old making me tired all day... I'm so ready to be over and done with the allergy season, really, sign me up for summer fun... yesterday I gave in and decided to start taking the meds... but those scientist guys should really take into consideration the whole purpose of taking drugs... they should make you feel better, right? so it is kind of tricky to understand how not breathing properly before the drugs would be considered improved when all you get in return for using said drugs is nausea, fatigue, a headache and a running nose... when you figure that one out please enlighten me...
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sweet mother-in-law (and witty) |
luckily I have a very good old lady to call mother-in-law who offered to keep the pea entertained this afternoon while I sulked on the sofa (yeah, have I mentioned we discovered there is mold in our bedroom behind the wardrobe? it is gross, just waiting to get out of the wall and start walking and it would trigger more severe attacks of asthma at night? uhum... lucky me... and sofa time out is the solution... ) so after a two hours nap I could get to prepare a nice dinner to thank the good souls that gifted me this so needed rest...
on the bright side? all those long nights with no sleep made for a good reading time opportunity... yep, the lungs are crap but the eyes still work well, thank you very much... AND I get to enjoy all of tomorrow with the hubby at home...
here the holiday is tomorrow, something to do with the republic pretending they really grasp the concept... anyway, this year I'm calling it "bomb day"... as a reminder from their glorious european past people here stumble sporadically on old bombs... all left overs from WWII, and those need to be dealt with... tomorrow is the chosen day to neutralize and remove it... so by 7 am five neighbourhoods here will have been evacuated as a safety measure... the surreal thing is, when I told my husband that some places in the city were to be evacuated because of a bomb emergency his reaction was mostly "blasè" like: "oh, yeah... every once in a while an old bomb pops out... no big deal".... it amazes me everytime how the power of repetition can make people overlook extreme situations... here it is bombs, somewhere else it will be beggars, in another place still shooting, so on and so forth... it becomes routine, but let me tell you a secret: none of it should be!
ok, let me stop this bright silver lining of a post here before people start listening to the album "tempestade" and moping around their houses... guess being sick just make people miserable, or it is just me...
let's close with sth good, my favourite quote of GoT so far (sure, my last favourite quote which is the most I can give you right now because I'm not even close to finishing the books):
'My brother is undoubtedly arrogant," Tyrion Lannister replied. "My father is the soul of avarice, and my sweet sister Cersei lusts for power with every waking breath. I, however, am innocent as a little lamb. Shall I bleat for you?" '
Álcool 70% no mofo e seja feliz. (é sério, é a única coisa q mata. Se não estiver vivo, tem q ser pesticida. Se esse for seu caso, me fala q eu te mando a receita e o nome do produto.)